Meditating Pleiadian on Spirit Quartz Relic Necklace
Meditating Pleiadian on Spirit Quartz Relic Necklace
Meditating Pleiadian on Spirit Quartz Relic Necklace
Meditating Pleiadian on Spirit Quartz Relic Necklace

Meditating Pleiadian on Spirit Quartz Relic Necklace

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Meditating Pleiadian


the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters

are a group of stars in the Taurus constellation.

Some Native American tribes claim that we originated from the Pleiades,

with a mission of bringing light and knowledge.


According to Hermetic traditions, the seven stars open seekers to

a more refined level of consciousness only accessible by

those who have been purified of energetic blocks to the subtle body.

Invitation to and initiation into the Pleiadian wisdom teachings come spontaneously during sleep or deep meditation.


Spirit Quartz crystals energetically assist Group Cohesion on all levels, aiding in harmonising members of family, friends and work groups as well as enhancing the feeling of closeness with our Spirit Family; Ancestors, Angels and Spirit Guides and in feeling the flow/ 'guidance' of the Universe around us.
They assist Lucid dreaming and Astral Travel and help facilitate alignment with the Crown Chakra and ones life purpose.
This piece of wearable art comes giftboxed, on leather necklace as pictured.
All of our Relic range is hand made with love, passion, all care and intent,
by our master craftsman Aaron Hofman.
To see more pictures and videos of our amazing works
or to request a commission please
follow us on social media.

All pieces are made using 99.9% Pure Copper
formed over lightweight professional grade substrate,
and so are quite robust and light to wear for their size.
Due to the nature of the process required to make these pieces,
each piece is entirely unique and one of a kind.